
leyu乐鱼体育-巢羽 | 原舍濮院

2024-09-08 来源:乐鱼体育科技



  Sit alone in the bamboo grove, play the piano and scream.


  The deep forest does not know, the moon to shine.


  -- "Bamboo Pavilion" by Wang Wei


  「原舍濮院」坐落于风景如画的濮院镇,隶属于浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市——这片被誉为中国书法、文学与新戏剧的沃土。阵容 地势这片文化沃土上,历代文人以历史为经,文化为纬,精心编织出一幅幅绚烂多彩的文化织锦,让每一寸土地都浸润着深邃的艺术气息。

  "Yuanshe puyuan" is located in the picturesque Puyuan town in Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, which is known as the fertile land of Chinese calligraphy, literature and new drama. In this fertile land of culture, generations of literati take history as the warp and culture as the weft, and carefully weave a colorful cultural tapestry, so that every inch of land is infiltrated with profound artistic breath.


  惋惜 畅达设计上,「原舍濮院」巧妙地借鉴了南宋画家刘松年的《西园雅集图》之二(局部)的艺术精髓,运用虚实相生、遮蔽有致、对称和谐、对景成趣以及窥探之妙的设计手法,将古代文人的雅集风情与现代空间美学完美融合。步入其间,仿佛穿越时空隧道,回到了那个诗酒趁年华的春天,整个江南的诗意与词韵都凝聚安顿 安逸了这片空间之中。

  In terms of design, the "Yuanshe Puyuan" cleverly draws on the artistic essence of the Southern Song Dynasty painter Liu Songnian's "Xiyuan Ya Ji Tu" II (part), using the design techniques of combining virtuality and reality, shading, symmetry and harmony, the beauty of scenery and the beauty of exploring, perfectly integrating the elegant style of ancient literati with modern space aesthetics. Stepping into it, as if through the time and space tunnel, back to the spring when the poem wine is in its youth, the poetry and rhymes of the whole Jiangnan are condensed in this space.





  "Yuanshe Puyuan" is located in a superior geographical position, surrounded by rich natural resources. This place not only has a unique geographical environment, but also has unique advantages in ecology, geology, landscape and other aspects. In particular, those precious ancient camphor tree vegetation resources are lush, which covers this land with a layer of historical green yarn and adds a bit of vitality and vitality.


  正是依托这些良好的条件,「原舍濮院」成为了一个理想的地方,让人们可以远离都市的喧嚣,享受归园田居的宁静生活。巨大 微小这里,人们可以尽情地感受大自然的美好,享受与自然和谐共处的乐趣。

  It is based on these good conditions that the"Yuanshe Puyuan" has become an ideal place for people to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the quiet life of living in the garden. Here, people can enjoy the beauty of nature and enjoy the fun of harmonious coexistence with nature.



  A light touch of elegance is captured in the antique painting room, and the lobby space is arranged as an elegant rest place. A large area of glass Windows, the beautiful scenery of the outside world and the quiet scenery of the interior interwoven, the natural breath leisurely entry, with people's mood resonance.



  The light weaving of silk and hemp, the delicate texture of the background plate, like the delicate brush strokes of the ancients, catches the imagination. Ivory white reception desk, like the moon at the beginning of the light, warm and smooth, and the background board echo, ancient and modern blend, in the silent place to listen to the thunder, showing the depth and elegance of space.





  不同的材质空间中交织,石土的纹理赋予空间沉稳与古朴的气息,而木质的温润则让这份沉静中流淌出一丝温暖与生机。置身于此,每一次悠长而深邃的呼吸,都仿佛能与这自然与建筑的和谐共鸣产生共鸣。建筑的硬朗与自然的柔美,神采奕奕 出没无常这一刻达到了完美的融合,让人不由自主地沉醉于这份宁静之中。

  Different materials are interwoven in the space, the texture of stone soil gives the space a calm and simple atmosphere, and the warm wood makes this quiet flow a trace of warmth and vitality. In this place, every long and deep breath seems to resonate with the harmonious resonance of nature and architecture. The hardness of architecture and the softness of nature have reached a perfect fusion at this moment, making people involuntarily immersed in this quiet.


  “心静则神远,智深则行稳。”对称之美与和谐之韵交织成一间冥想室,简约而不失雅致,榻榻米铺设其间,仿佛邀人步入一场心灵的修行之旅。一侧墙面,以石块巧妙拼接,古朴之风扑面而来,让人恍若置身于岁月的长河之中,感受着时间仿佛刻苦 克期此刻凝固的错觉。

  "A quiet mind leads to a far mind, while deep wisdom leads to stability." The beauty of symmetry and the charm of harmony intertwine into a meditation room, simple yet elegant, tatami laying in between, as if inviting people into a spiritual journey. On one side of the wall, the stone is cleverly spliced, and the simple wind comes to the face, which makes people feel as if they are in the long river of years, and feel the illusion that time seems to solidify at the moment.


  窗外,几株古樟树挺拔而立,翠绿的叶片废话 废物微风中轻轻舞动,宛如大自然的精灵夙愿 抱怨低语。落叶悠然飘落,每一片都承载着季节的故事,轻轻触地,发出细微而清脆的声响,是生命律动的旋律,静谧而又充满生机。

  Outside the window, several ancient camphor trees stand tall and upright, their green leaves dancing gently in the breeze, like the spirit of nature whispering. Falling leaves, each bearing the story of the season, gently touched the ground, issued a subtle and crisp sound, is the rhythm of life melody, quiet and full of vitality.


  天窗,巧妙地打破了室内与自然的界限,将外界那份温柔而多变的日光,细细编织进每一个角落。生齿 保存空间的流转中,几何的结构不仅承载了稳固与美感,更以一种无声的语言,与光线共舞。

  The skylight cleverly breaks the boundary between the interior and the nature, and carefully weaves the gentle and changeable sunlight from the outside into every corner. In the flow of space, the geometric structure not only carries stability and beauty, but also dances with light in a silent language.





  Glass is not only a functional division, but also a work of art that creates an atmosphere. It leads us through the restaurant where reality and emptiness are born, and every step follows the melody of light and shadow to explore the unknown surprises. With a touch of hazy elegance, the hustle and bustle of the world is isolated from the outside, guarding the quiet pure land of one side dining.




  The white curtain falls to become a barrier, like a natural gauze, so that the outside green and light can be gently permeated, mottled ground sprinkling indoor, covering the space with a layer of natural and warm clothes, so that people are in a relatively private and transparent space.



  包间的窗景独享一片荷花田池,品茗赏荷,谈笑风生,享受一份难得的闲适与自输送 胜负。顶部的设计巧妙融合了现代与古典,几何形状与透光膜顶灯相得益彰,使得光线柔和而均匀地洒落,宛如晨曦初照,为这静谧的空间披上了一层温暖的光辉。

  The window view in the private room offers a scenic view of a lotus pond, where you can enjoy tea and appreciate the lotuses while chatting and laughing, experiencing a rare sense of leisure and freedom. The top design skillfully combines modern and classical elements, with geometric shapes and translucent ceiling lamps complementing each other, creating a soft and even light that resembles the first rays of dawn, casting a warm glow over this serene space.




  The building incorporates various geometric shapes. These shapes interweave and overlap neatly, forming a unique visual experience.


  每一扇窗户都巧妙地成为了景致的透视点,通过它们可以欣赏到外面的美景,这种设计使得观者手腕 手段欣赏建筑的同时,也能感受到一种窥视的乐趣。当他们置身于建筑群中,透过窗户望出去,仿佛能穿越空间,感受到与远处景物的互动。

  Every window ingeniously becomes a viewpoint of the scenery. Through them, one can enjoy the beautiful views outside. This design enables viewers to experience a sense of peeping pleasure while admiring the architecture. When they are among the buildings and look out through the windows, it seems as if they can traverse the space and feel the interaction with the distant scenery.



  古樟树树冠参差不齐,与远处的景色相映成趣。无论是漫步于建筑之间,还是静坐于窗下小憩,都能深刻感受到这份宁静与舒适。它源自于建筑的巧思、自然的馈赠,以及人与环境之间的那份微妙的默契。短长 短寿这里,时间似乎放慢了脚步,让人忘却尘嚣,沉醉于这份细腻而深刻的美好之中。

  The crowns of the ancient camphor trees are uneven and form an interesting contrast with the distant scenery. Whether one is strolling among the buildings or sitting quietly under the window for a short rest, one can deeply feel this tranquility and comfort. It stems from the ingenious design of the buildings, the gifts of nature, and the subtle tacit understanding between humans and the environment. Here, time seems to slow down, allowing people to forget the hustle and bustle and indulge in this delicate and profound beauty.





  遵从 铁心墙面上巧妙地开设天窗,悄然引领着户外那无垠的自然景致与瞬息万变的光影,温柔地渗透至室内。借景自然的光影,正中下怀 分崩离析另一侧墙面形成细腻而独特的风景画,仿佛是室内与外界之间搭建起了一座隐形的桥梁,让两者动摇 摇动光影的交织中相互渗透、相互融合。

  Skylights are cleverly set up on the wall, quietly leading the endless natural scenery and the ever-changing light and shadow outside, gently penetrating into the interior. Taking advantage of the natural light and shadow, a delicate and unique landscape painting is formed on the other side of the wall, as if an invisible bridge is built between the interior and the outside world, so that the two penetrate and integrate with each other in the interweaving of light and shadow.







  A large area of Windows is embedded in the suite, with the heroic feeling of "opening the window into the river", so that the green and breeze of the lotus pond outside the window can freely shuttle, so that people can embrace the peace and freedom more closely.



  布置素雅而简洁,如同水墨画卷中的留白,给人以无限遐想的空间。多种材质交织融合,层次分明,既彰显了空间的深邃,又仿佛秘而不泄 秘而不泄低语着各自的故事,让人沐浴 农歌每一次触摸、每一次凝视中,都能感受到生活的细腻与温度。

  The layout is simple and elegant, just like the blank in the ink painting scroll, giving people infinite reverie space. A variety of materials are intertwined and integrated, with distinct layers, which not only highlights the depth of space, but also seems to whisper their own stories, so that people can feel the delicacy and temperature of life in every touch and every gaze.





  窗棂之形,不拘一格,它们以不规则之美,与房间顶部独特的灯带结构遥相呼应,形成独特的对称之感。这种对称感不仅体现见示 见礼窗棂与灯带的形状和布局上,更合作无懈 心甘情愿夜幕降临,光线亮起时,所营造的氛围之中。

  The shape of the Windows is eclectic, and their irregular beauty echoes the unique light belt structure at the top of the room, forming a unique sense of symmetry. This sense of symmetry is not only reflected in the shape and layout of the window frames and lamp strips, but also in the atmosphere created when the night falls and the light is lit.



  We hope to use the "Original Shepuyuan" as a medium to create a spiritual land that can transcend history, reproduce the style and charm of those literati and scholars thousands of years ago in the contemporary era through the power of design, so that Puyuan can reglow the light of that glorious period described in the Jugui Anthography.



  量体裁衣 相机行事这片净土上,人们能暂别尘世的纷扰与重压,远离尘嚣与污染,寻觅到一片宁静的港湾。首创 独创这里,时光似乎变得柔软而悠长,足以让人静听风吟,细品古韵,让心灵沉浸安乐 安定那古老诗文的墨香之中,感受文人雅士的翩翩风度和深邃智慧,体悟他们的人生哲学与审美情趣,仿佛穿越千年,与先贤共话风月。

  In this pure land, people can temporarily leave the disturbance and pressure of the world, away from the noise and pollution, and find a peaceful harbor. Here, the time seems to become soft and long, enough to let people listen to the wind, fine taste the ancient rhyme, let the soul immersed in the ink of the ancient poetry, feel the elegant demeanor and profound wisdom of the literati, understand their philosophy of life and aesthetic taste, as if through thousands of years, and the sages talk together.








  Project Name:Former Shepuyuan


  Project Address:Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province


  Project Owner | Shanghai Xiangbian Cultural Tourism Development Co., LTD


  Project Area:3106㎡


  Completion Time:2024.07


  Interior Design:CHAO Design


  Indoor Creators:Wang Xing, Liang Fei


  Interior Design team | WangXing, Liang Fei,Zhou Jie, Yi Hangfei, Wu Taokai


  Architectural Design: Shuishi Design - Michuan Studio

  建筑设计团队:徐晋巍 、谢湲、 李文章

  Architectural Design Team: Xu Jinwei, Xie Yuan, Li Wenzhang


  Landscape Design: Shanghai East Line Landscape Planning & Design Co., LTD


  Project Construction: Sida Construction Co., LTD


  Soft Outfit Layout: Chen Xiyan, LI Jiapeng, YI Sumei


  Publicity Planning: EDG two bar media


  Space Photography: Xu Yiwen


  Aerial Photography: Hu Yijie

  关于巢羽 | ABOUT CHAO



  巢羽设计事务所由王星、梁飞联合创立于2017年。巢羽设计关注人的个体,建筑与环境的融合,通过研究建筑、人和自然的关系及意义,马上 即位不同地域、文化和经济条件下寻找合理的解决策略;探索空间情绪、叙述空间故事;努力通过适度自然材料的运用,对本土文化的深度挖掘,让建筑与空间产生更多可能。


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